MicroReader™ 1 Family (Model 4025) Specifications

Microwell Strip Models:1 x 8/1 x 12 strips (Model 4025-056) or 2 x 8/2 x 12 strips (Model 4025-059).

Tube Models: 12mm to 15mm available (Models 4025-072 to 4025-075 respectively).

Applications: Absorbance and Concentration.

Photometric Methods: Monochromatic within the wavelength range of 400nm to 700nm.

Filter Description: Filters are removable; One standard filter is included with system. Available filters include: 405nm, 450nm, 490nm, 540nm, 630nm and 650nm. Other filters, from 400nm to 700nm, are available by special order.

Absorbance Range: 0 to 2.000 Abs.

Accuracy: ± 2% or .01 Abs., whichever is greater.

Precision: ± 1.5% or .005 Abs., whichever is greater.

Resolution: .001 Abs.

Detector: Silicon Photodiode.

Display: 16 Character Alphanumeric Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).

Interface Port: RS-232 Serial Port.

Dimensions: 2.25" (5.7 cm) High; 4.0" (10.2 cm) Wide; 5.3" (13.5 cm) Deep.

Weight: 1.3 lbs (.59 Kg).


MicroReader 1 Accessories

Weigh Tronix Printer & Cable: A compact thermal printer which interfaces to the reader's RS-232 Port . (115V Model: 2025-057 and 220V Model: 2025-058.)

MicroWasher™ Option

"A Manual, 8-channel microwell strip washer includes 115V or 220V electrical pump, 3 Bottles and compact stand to neatly contain system"







MicroReader and MicroWasher are trademarks of Hyperion, Inc.

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Tel.: 1.800.332.2849, 305.238.3020, Fax: 305.232.7375

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