About The MicroReader 4
A Self-contained Automated Microplate Reader


  • Open, ELISA-FLEX™ Software, allows any brand of immunoassay to be used with the system.

  • Self-aligns upon power-up and performs self-diagnostic tests for performance optimization.

  • Built-in 486 computer, floppy disk drive and microplate shaker provides a self-contained system whose combined photometric and computer technology offers optimum control, application flexibility, data management plus interface to other lab automation.

  • Easy to operate. System's ELISA-FLEX software offers a windows-like user-interface with self-explanatory dialog boxes, data-entry fields, menus and commands.

  • Comprehensive Error Messages, alert you of any operational and/or programming errors plus provide easy to follow instructions on how to correct them.

  • Half-page LCD Display offers easy-viewing of test files, sample results and curves.

  • Full-sized computer keypad for convenient data-entry.

  • Color-coded user-keys for ease of running preprogrammed test panels.

  • Extended Reading-range from 0.000 to +3.000 absorbance (optical density), with indication up to +4.000* absorbance for the processing of high-positive results.

    *>3.0 OD for informational purposes only

  • Standard ELISA-FLEX Software calculates absorbance, single-point concentration, curves (using multiple standards) and qualitative (cutoff) tests.

  • Offers comprehensive curve-fitting interpolation techniques, including:

    Choice of four algorithms: point-to-point, regression line, polynomial (degree user-definable) and cubic spline.

    Choice of three axis-transforms: linear, logarithmic and logit.

  • Offers extensive programming options for qualitative test procedure, such as: the cut-off equation itself, sequence of controls, multiple check-equations for controls, discard options for controls, and grey zones.

  • System is equipped with six filters, instead of only four, as follows: 405nm, 450nm, 490nm, 540nm, 630nm and 650nm. Other filters, between 400nm and 700nm, are available by special order.

  • Performs monochromatic and bichromatic optical readings, user-selectable.

  • Processes multiple tests, up to 12 per microplate, with random test and sample assignment.

    Any combination of the system's applications (including multiple curve tests) and optical reading modes may be may be measured on the SAME microplate.

  • Random Well Assignment: Blanks, Standards, controls and samples may be assigned to any location within the microplate.
  • A graphic Map, in an 8-12 Matrix, of the microplate may be created to identify each well. Sample IDs may also be entered for each well.

  • Easy well assignment: Simply select the well on-screen, select the appropriate name (such as: blank, standard, control, sample or sample ID --actual patient name) and press Enter. A graphic map of the template is then created identifying all locations within the microplate.

    The Map of the microplate may be printed, in an 8 x 12 Matrix, at anytime.
  • Stores larger volumes of test protocols and microplate results than EPROM based systems.

  • Stores microplate results in ASCII format for maximum compatibility with commercially available data management programs, like Lotus 1-2-3 and Excel.
  • Bidirectional Serial Port allows interface to system's internal computer, host computers or mainframes for versatile data-management.

  • Modular design allows MicroReader 4 to be interfaced to the HyPrep™ Plus to form an ELISA Workstation capable of both preparing and analyzing assays.

    The MicroReader 4's computer may also operate
    HyPrep Plus thus eliminating the need for an additional computer to run HyPrep Plus as normally required by this system and ones from other manufacturers. This saves precious bench space and costs.
  • Flags out-of-range results, according to the Grey Zone limits of your test, to ease the Test Review Process as such results are clearly labeled on the display and printout.

    A selection of Flags are available to choose from, including:

    +/-, Positive or Negative
    R/N, Reactive or Non-reative
    UL/LL, Upper Limit or Lower Limit
    </>, Less than or Greater than.
  • Automatic or Manual creation of curves.

    Creates curves automatically by reading the standards (with known concentrations) in the plate and using the selected algorithm and axis-transform.

    Automatic-curve-entry saves time and prevents data-entry errors.
  • Automatic Curve Preview: Newly created curves, whether created automatically or manually, are automatically displayed for review - prior to storing - for immediate verification and editing, if required.

    The curve may be stored and recalled at any time.

  • Updates curves when the test is run, if desired; displays the "original" and "updated" curves together for easy comparison and selection. The "updated" curve or the "original" may be saved as determined by the user.

    Many Reagent Manufacturers require updating of curves to verify the status of the reagents.

  • System's microplate shaker is software controlled: user may freely program its frequency, amplitude and shaking time.

  • Bar Code Compatible for automatic entry of Sample IDs when equipped with optional Bar Code Reader Kit.

  • Universal Parallel Port allows for connection to most printers, including laser printers.

  • External VGA Port allows interface to external computer monitor, if desired.

  • Automatic lamp preservation. The MicroReader 4 turns off its lamp automatically, after a predetermined time of instrument non-use, instead of leaving it on continuously to extend its operation for less down-time and a more reliable microplate reader.

  • Easy replacement of internal lamp and filters. The specially designed Filter-and-lamp-access-holes allow immediate access to the filter or lamp without disassembling the system.

  • Provides high-speed and high throughput capability: reads a 96 well microplate in less than 20 seconds, bichromatically.

  • Edit any stored Test or Plate of Tests (multiple test panel), including its graphic Microplate Template (map) and curve.

  • All 96-well sample results (and their corresponding flagging symbols, if programmed) may be viewed on the system's display, in an 8 x 12 Matrix.

  • Calculates results to 9-decimal places for better accuracy and expresses the results to 3-decimal places on the reader's display and printout.

  • Zero blank calibration based on either air or blank reagent of one well or the "mean" of two or more replicate wells within the microplate.

  • Automatic calculation and print out of "mean" values for replicates of Blanks, Standards, Controls and Samples.

  • Plate Results may be printed out in an
    8 x 12 Matrix or in column format.

  • Print out a list of the installed filters; automatically recalibrate filters when required.

  • Program the discard of an outlier replicate Blank or control well for Qualitative Tests.


  • EIA Assays
  • ELISA Assays
  • Other Immunoassays
  • Allergenic Assays
  • Infectious Disease Assays
  • Veterinary Applications
  • Environmental Assays
  • Other Industrial/Agricultural Applications
  • Coagulation Applications (optional)

Hyperion, Inc., 14100 S.W. 136th Street, Miami, Florida 33186
Tel.: 1.800.332.2849, 305.238.3020, Fax: 305.232.7375

Copyright © 1997 - 2002, Hyperion Inc.
all rights reserved