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1) How much will it cost?

Our standard $100 labor cap takes the worry out of doing business with us. In most case our customers are not charged more than $100 for labor for repairs or upgrade services.

5) New Systems?

If you're in need of a new PC call us. We'll work with you - balancing your needs and your budget. Whether for business, home or that college student who needs a PC or a laptop, we can help.

2) Should I upgrade or start new?

We are here to analyze and advise. Depending on your needs, upgrading or having us design and build a custom PC for you are possibilities.

6) What about pickup and delivery?

Pickup and delivery is included in our repair labor for local customers. We make house calls. If you are out of the local area, you can send your PC to us by UPS. We're known for quick turnarounds.

3) Should I network my computers for internet, print & file sharing?
What are the benefits of Home Networking?

Home Networking saves you money and time. With a Home Network, you can surf the Net, swap files, and play streaming audio over a second computer, all at the same time. By sharing printers, scanners and other peripherals, and by linking all your computers to a single Internet connection, you maximize the value of your electronic devices. And best of all, you’ll never again wait in line to use the Internet. With a Home Network, everyone can browse the Web at the same time, at the same speed, with the same capabilities.

7) Why Wireless Networking?

The advantage of a wireless home network is simply that no drilling through walls or running of wires throughout your home is necessary.

Wireless hardware packages prices are decreasing, and you can connect every computer or laptop in your house together for minimum cost.

Order Your Computer Handyman Home Networking service today! Call 1-631-360-8070, and we'll help you decide exactly which components you'll need to get your home network up and running fast.

4) What are the system requirements for Home Networking?

For PC:

133MHz (or faster) Pentium-based processor (or equivalent)

Windows 95b or higher, Windows 98 & 98SE, Windows ME, Windows NT 4.0 Workstation with Service Pack 3 or higher, and Windows 2000 (however, Windows 2000 with server versions of NT 4/5 are not supported)


25 MB of available hard disk space

Installed CD-ROM drive

Printer drivers

8) What kind of Home Networking does Your Computer Handyman Offer?

Your Computer Handyman currently offers three types of Home Networking: Ethernet, Home Phoneline (HomePNA) and Wireless.

Ethernet Home Networking connects each computer and peripheral device via hard-wired, high-performance cables.

Home Phoneline Networking uses existing phone lines in your home to link various computers with associated devices. Simply follow the EarthLink Home Networking User’s Guide to connect your 2Wire hub to a preferred phone jack, attach the necessary filters, and your home is networked!

Wireless Home Networking uses low frequency radio waves to transmit data between computers and other electronic devices.

For more information on which kind of home networking option is right for you, please call
Your Computer Handyman at