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The dedicated broadband connections that used to be available only to businesses who were willing and able to spend big dollars can now be yours for a fraction of the cost!!!

Would you like to have a video conference with a friend, relative or business associate?

How about sharing family pictures, business documents or graphics in real time?

Do "Lightening Speed" downloads sound interesting to you?

TLC Media Corp's Network and Broadband Services could be the answer for you.

We can provide an inexpensive high speed line to your home or business computer(s) and open up a new world of internet posssiblilites for you.

With TLC Media, Its really that simple.

Are you looking to network your computers at home or at the office??

We'll give you the ability to share files, peripheral devices as well as connect multiple computers to one fast Internet connection.

Do you want to backup all of your data, scan a picture or document or print from any computer you have???

    We'll give you the ability to share scanners, printers, storage & backup devices on any computer in your home or office!

The new alternative to a slow speed dial-up account and stand alone computers with redundant peripherals.

Reduce your costs and get more accomplished with less fatigue and frustration by being a real player in the connected society.


  Contact us at:

  TLC Media Corp.
Network & Broadband Services
"The Right Connection"


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