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  • Web Hosting

    We offer web hosting services for business clients. Please inquire. We keep it simple, professional and transparent.

    TLC Media can help you get the right information to your audience and maintain an interesting and content-rich site that will keep your visitors returning.

    We will work with your graphic artist or one of our graphic partners for design input. They can use your existing brochures and/or marketing collateral to create your site - or they can develop new material that can be used on the web as well as other mediums.

  • Site Design - Graphics & Navigation

    Once the content for your site has been developed, it has to be presented in an interesting and intelligent manner in order to keep your audiences' reading on. Presentation it the key.

    TLC Media can work with our affiliate graphic partners or your design specialists to create this online presentation - keeping your existing branding and use of other advertising mediums in mind - designing an easy to navigate, easy to read site that conveys your company's products or services and ideology with the most impact.

  • Electronic Commerce

    There are two ways to approach electronic commerce and TLC Media's e-commerce partners can help you design and implement both options.

    First, you can allow your audience to browse your products online, calculate prices and/or quantities and fill out an online form with their contact information. This way either you can call them personally to close out the order or pass the information to a reseller or sales partner to follow up.

    Second, you can accept credit cards online and complete the sale immediately. This completed sale can then be forwarded directly to your fulfillment house via e-mail or fax and a copy can be forwarded to you for record keeping purposes.

  • Online Publishing

    Most companies do not have the resources in-house to maintain the HTML content of their Internet or Intranet sites. In fact, with the advances in web technology today, there should be no need for such skill.

    TLC Media builds sites that can be updated online, in real-time, with no working knowledge of HTML needed. We can build your site based on templates that allow you to cut and paste content in and see the results immediately.

    With TLC Media's unique template based process, if you can work with a word processor, you can update and maintain your own Intranet or Internet site.

  • Online Forums & Chats

    Your Internet and/or Intranet Site is a medium that allows you to interact with prospects and customers. You may want to add another dimension to this interaction.

    Online discussion methods like forums or chats allow you to interact with greater freedom with your audience as well as allow them to interact with each other. Our clients have found that a forum can be a handy tool for market research, getting feedback for product development as well as identify issues among your users before they would reach you through regular channels.

    TLC Media can help you create, administer and manage a custom forum or chat to meet your needs. We can even filter useful information and pass it on to you for further action.

  • High Speed Lines

    If you're interested in bandwidth we can help. Whether you'll need dedicated lines such as DSL, Cable Modems, 56K or a formidable T3 line at 45/mps, we can help. We guarantee the lowest cost of ownership and higher productivity from your staff.

  • A Footnote

    Every day hundreds of companies are launching web sites, adding to the thousands already in place. Just as not having a fax number for your business would be unheard of, not having a site could be a handicap as well.

    TLC Media has access to some of the greatest technical resources that are available today. We provide networking, broadband and hosting services second to none, no hype, just service. With many years of experience in the field, we hope to make your stay with us enjoyable.

    Please contact us at: for more information.


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  TLC Media Corp.
Network & Broadband Services
"The Right Connection"


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