St. Rose of Lima School is calling you back to ...

 Celebrate "50" Years of Excellence.

All St. Rose Alumni, past and present faculty members, parents and friends are invited to join us in planning the events for this very special Birthday to take place in the Fall of, 2001. 

Our new Principal Sister Nancy Kindelan, Class of 1970 and a small group of volunteers would like to plan an event each month, beginning January, 2001 culminating in a Birthday Bash in September of 2001

Our alumni consists of doctors, lawyers, firefighters, teachers, artists, politicians, parents, priests, other religious personnel, household engineers, merchants, bankers, law enforcement officers, plumbers, nurses, engineers, electricians, home builders, computer programmers, musicians, factory workers, military personnel, secretaries, automobile technicians, carpenters, bakers, media specialists, stock brokers, journalists, technology experts, sports administrators and more. 

Our alumni live in every part of the world.It is somewhat unrealistic to think we could bring all of our graduates together for one big party, but with today?s communication possibilities we wish at the very least to receive a message from as many of our approximately 4000 alumni as possible. 

We hope to create an Alumni home on the St. Rose of Lima Web site that will make it easier for you to keep in touch.

Please visit:
Click here to navigate our new Alumni Web Gallery

Here's how you can help right now.Give us your ideas, help us find missing alumni, send us your thoughts on how to bring the birthday party to you if you can?t be with us. 

To get things going, I would like to ask that you to send me, an Alumni Parent, any favorite story, a humorous anecdote, or other news that might be of interest to other St. Rose of Lima Alumni.

To ensure the accuracy of our records, please fill out and return the attached update form at your earliest convenience.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Debbie Rossiter

Development Director


fax: (305) 751-8398 Phone: (305) 757-5026

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AutoPlay Background Music

"Near The Cross"

Copyright © 2000 Dale Dutridge
Piano by Joy Hardin
Used with permission