Week OF MARCH 25, 2001

From the Pastor's desk | School news | Parish Census
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Announcements |



The Gospel this Sunday is most frequently called the Parable of the Prodigal Son, but it is also known as the Parable of the Two Brothers, or the Parable of the Merciful Father. The last title seems the most appropriate. It is easy for all of us to empathize with the son who runs away from home, rejects his father's love, and eventually coming to his senses, returns home. We have all been down that road. We can even empathize with the resentment of the older son. It seems so unfair that he is taken for granted - and most of us have been down that road too!

Like all the parables that Jesus told, there is a subtle twist in the story, one that His listening audience least expected. Here it is the unlimited forgiveness of the father. What happens in real life in such a situation as Jesus relates? Yes, a loving father would surely welcome his erring son home, but there would be all kinds of conditions and restraints to ensure that he would toe the line in the future. A normal father would demand some proof of the good intentions of such a son before really forgiving and forgetting.

The father in the parable is not a normal father - He is God. God does not act in the normal, conventional way that we expect of mere mortals. In this case, there is no stopping Him! There is no limit to how far He will go to show His love - the best cloak, the fatted calf, the celebration - He is more than prodigal in His mercy.

During this Lenten Season the Lord is issuing a like invitation to us as to the Prodigal Son. He is inviting us to return home. The wonderful thing about His invitation is that there are no limitations, no conditions - it's just come as you are! So why not take the Lord at His word, and make Reconciliation a must in your life this Lent?

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We are updating our entire parish records.  All registered parishioners will receive a parish census update in the mail over the next year.  Census updates will be mailed alphabetically by family last name.  We ask the cooperation of all of our parishioners in this thorough and accurate updating of our records. 

Our Parish Family invites all of its members to participate fully in our spiritual and social life. Everyone moving into the Parish is requested to register at the Parish Office. We cannot give recommendations for positions, schools or character references if we do not know you. Register in the Parish when you move into the Parish - and tell us when you are moving away.

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TUESDAY, MARCH 27.........."LENT AND THE CATHOLIC TRADITION".....DR. RYAN ....................................................................................................CHAPEL - 7:30 P.M - 8.30 P.M.


Stations of the Cross will be held on Tuesday Evenings during Lent .............................7:00 P.M.

Stations of the Cross in Spanish will be held on Friday evenings during Lent.................7:30 P.M.



A Reconciliation Service with an opportunity for individual Confessions - April 9...........7:00 PM


During all Fridays of Lent, there will be Exposition for one hour after the 8:15 AM Mass, ending with Prayers and Benediction. On the First Fridays, March 2 and April 6, the Exposition will be until 12 Noon.


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On days of fast, one full meal and two lesser meals are allowed. Eating between meals is not permitted. Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are bound to fast. On days of abstinence, meat may not be taken. The law of abstinence binds all Catholics 14 years of age and older.

If members of the faithful are unable to observe the fast and abstinence because of ill health or other reasons, they are urged to practice other forms of penance and self-denial suitable to their condition.

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The collection for the American Bishops’ Oversees Appeal will be held today. There are envelopes for this collection at the entrances to the church as well as in your monthly packets. Thank you in advance for your generosity.


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All parishioners are invited to visit our newly decorated Religious Gift Store located in the Bell Tower. The store will be open every Sunday after the 9 and 11 a.m. Masses beginning Sunday, March 25th. You will find a selection of statues, rosaries, medals, cards etc. to chose from. Please come and browse.

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The Community Life Committee will be holding its annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children of our school and parish on Easter Sunday, April 15th after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Toddlers to 5 years old will hunt in the School Courtyard and the 6 to10 year-olds will hunt in the East School Playground. (Please enter by the Auditorium gate only!)

To avoid any problems, the Easter Eggs will be empty and the children will turn in the eggs for an Easter Treat. Each child will get a treat no matter how many eggs he or she finds, so please remind your children to take their time and no running. Parents please limit the number of eggs your child "finds" to 6 to insure that all children will get some.

We are asking for donations of empty plastic eggs and individually wrapped candy. Please send your generous contributions either to the School Office or place in the "Easter Box" in the Bell Tower by Friday, April 13th. Thank You!


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Our "Angels" of the week continue to be our wonderful group of volunteers that made St. Rose of Lima Carnival 2001 a success.

Dorothy Alfredo

Brenda & Charles Byers

Clint Byers

Chad Byers

Ana Fung

Tom Romanik

Douglas & Haydee Romanik

Brenda & Antonio Romeo

March Romeus

Debbie Rossiter

Joe Rossiter

Michael & Kathy Rotundo

Elroy Roy

Leonard Rubenstein

Kathy & Frank Rubio

Peggy Rudolph

Kristina Ruiz

Tom & Elizabeth Ryan

Yamile Saieh

Marcelle Sainvil

Lillian Salguera

Kate Salow

Miguel Sanchez

Rosa Sandoval

Teresita Santos

Eva Sarmiento

Alicia Schindler

Sr. Virginia Scirocco

Michelle Schweiker

Dave & Angela Scott

Brian Scott

Ralph Secondo

Tome Seigel

Stephan Senatus

Mary Serra-Jovenich

Cassandra Sessa

Michael & Ada Sheerin

Norma Shelow

Liz Shepherd

Randi Shuler

Stephen Smith

Dana Smith

Dave & Nancy Smith

Elaine Smith

Joseph Sonthonax

Alberto Soto

Josie Soto

Richard Spaulding

Lawrence Springer

Marc & Diane Stead

Jeannie & Andy Stefanik

Patty Stokesberry

Kathleen Stout

Maria & Pedro Suarez

Bob Sullivan

Mary & Patrick Sullivan

Juliet Suman

Denise Supplice

Robert Swan

John Taggart

Samuel & Teresa Tamayo

Sue Tanner

Miguelina Taylor

Constanza Terry

Leonne Marie Theophile

Fred & Julia Thompson

Luis & Marienela Thula

Charlie Tillman

Cris Tirella

Hortensia Tobon

Sally Tomlinson

Mary Toomey

Vivian Torre

Eman Torre

Elena Torres

Lou Tripician

Suzanne Tucci

Herman & Blanca Uribe

Dolly Valencia

Emmanuel & Nilda Valencia

Clara & Javier Valera

Mario Vallverde

Yanick Valmond

Carol VanCleaf

Carolyn Veinovic

Regina Velasco

Sonia Velasco Barker

Henry & Nelly Villacorta

Laly Villar

Carlos Vivanco

Tim & Cris Voda

David Wagener

Denise & Rene Walker

Allison Wallace

Clare Walmsley

Reginald Warner

Caroline Weber

Mike & Mary Weber

Kylene & Donny Weiss

Toya Whitaker

Ken Whittaker

Marquinte & Althea Whittingham

Blaine Willenborg

Sherrie Williams

Michael & Leisa Williams

Roxana Wilson

Charlie & Brenda Wilson

Anna Winston

Dolores Wood

Joanne & Gene Yagle

Joseph Yanez

John & Lianne Yao

Kristine Yao

Vivienne & Jeff Yao

Alayne & Jerry Yeash

Linda & John Zavertnik

Augustin & Margincy Zetrenne

Celeste Zell

Larry & Celine Zigmont

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St. Rose of Lima’s Youth Group met February 3rd for a day of community involvement. Armed with shovels, rakes and picks the group spent the better part of a Saturday landscaping three homes being built by Habitat for Humanity and sponsored by HomeBanc, the corporate benefactor. In addition to earning service hours, this group will have the pride knowing that their efforts and caring have helped make a dream come true for several south Florida families. Special thanks to our Youth Minister, Brian Scott, for his efforts with the youth of our parish.

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Over 60% of all adults neglect to make out a will; many do not keep it up to date. Think about getting yours done or reviewed by your attorney. You will be doing your loved ones a service. We ask you to also remember St. Rose of Lima Parish and School through a bequest. For more information, call the development office at (305) 757-5026.

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St. Rose of Lima Parish invites you to visit Greece. Visit the seven most important churches of the Apocalypses and Turkey. "Follow the steps of the Apostles, St. John and St. Paul. The trip will be June 6-15, 2001 and the spiritual leader is Father Charlie Vega. For details please call Fr. Charlie at (305) 758-0539, or America Martinez at (305) 754-4951. *The tour will be conducted in Spanish.


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The April schedule for Eucharistic ministers and Lectors, along with the special Easter schedule, are in the Sacristy. Please pick up your copy.


If you would like to see the wonderful theatrical production, "Say Goodnight, Gracie" at the Coconut Grove Playhouse on Sunday, May 27th, at 2:00 p.m. starring Frank Gorshin as George Burns, call Candy Rengstl at 305-758-5693 for reservations. Our group rate will be $23.50 for 15 people. Frank Gorshin is George Burns. You will have a smile on your face for the whole show. You must get your reservation in with Candy by March 30th for her to book fabulous seats in the 14th row. We will meet in the St. Rose parking lot and carpool down to the theatre.


The Shores Performing Arts Theatre is presenting a hot new musical called Storyville. This production creates the fabulous Dixieland Jazz from the early 1900's in New Orleans. Group tickets can be purchased for $18.00 with 20 people in the group or come see the show for $22 or $24 each. Storyville finishes April 1. For more information, call the theatre at 305-751-0562.


For all active and auxiliary or prayer members of the Legion of Mary and for anyone with devotion to Our Blessed Mother: The annual ACIES ceremony will take place on Saturday, March 31, 2001 at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Church, 7310 S.W. 62 St., Miami. Rosary will begin at 10:00 a.m. followed by individual renewal of fealty to Mary and Holy Mass. There will be a reception in the parish hall immediately after Mass. If you need transportation or further information please call Margaret Annis at 305-756-5198 or Yelva Berry at 305-754-5783. The Acies is the great annual function of the Legion and is the solemn expression of our union with and dependance upon our Queen and our Mother. All members are encouraged to attend.


ALL SILENT RETREAT FOR MEN AND WOMEN, April 6-8, 2001, Dominican Retreat House, 7275 S.W.124 St., Miami, 305-238-2711, Very Rev. Andrew Anderson, Retreat Director

Pope John Paul II tells us that "Lent is not only a reminder, but a continual summons." It is a summons to new life. Come join with other sincere seekers and allow Fr. Anderson to lead us on the road to Jerusalem from psalms to ashes and ashes to psalms.

This weekend will be primarily silent. It will include conferences, time for quiet reflection, the celebration of Eucharist each day and the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The suggested offering is $125 and advanced reservations are required.


Lent is a time for personal reflection, so what better time to reflect on the rewarding relationship your marriage could be? The Marriage Encounter weekend gives you the tools to turn good marriages into GREAT marriages. The next Marriage Encounter Weekend is scheduled for April 20 - 22, 2001. Register early to avoid the waiting list! For more information, call Bill & Cathy Scheer at (954) 434-2609.

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