St. Rose of Lima Parish - School

Development Program 

415 N.E. 105 St - Miami Shores, Fl - 33138 

(305) 757-5026 - FAX: 751-8398


Mission Statement

The Saint Rose of Lima Development Board “shares responsibility” with the pastor and principal for designing and implementing an effective and significant Endowment Fund which has grown over the last fifteen years through the generosity and vision of many parents, parishioners and benefactors.  This Endowment helps provide for the future financial security of St. Rose of Lima School and Parish.


The History of Development In St. Rose of Lima Parish


The St. Rose of Lima Development board was established in 1983.  This group, with the Pastor, Principal, Parents, Grandparents, Friends and Alumni successfully accomplished an Endowment fund goal of well over Two Million Dollars in the fall of 1997.  The Development Board along with their benefactors continue to build a sound financial foundation for the future of our parish and school and will soon implement Phase II of the Saint Rose of Lima Endowment fund.

 Today, our children reap the benefits of those who have given so unselfishly in the past.  Through the efforts of the Development Program and Endowment Fund the school has been able to come closer to operating with a balanced budget, keep tuition increases at a minimum.  Teacher salaries continue to increase and support for their on going professional development is now offered.  Keeping up with today’s technology is accomplished through the Home-School Associations’ contributions and the Endowment Fund. Limited tuition assistance for needy families is now available. The Development Board has assisted in defraying the costs of maintenance and repairs for the school grounds and buildings. 

We face a variety of challenges in the 21st century. Our financial ability to respond will be determined in large measure by everyone’s participation in the St. Rose of Lima Development Program.


Building on Tradition... 

Volunteers are the “heart and soul” of St. Rose of Lima. Join us in the development office as we continue the programs that have been so beneficial to our school and parish.


Annual QED Cocktail Party

·                     Invitations/Mailings

·                     Publicity

·                     Decorating

·                     Ticket Sales 

Annual Golf Tournament

·                     Chairperson

·                     Committee Member

·                     Invitations

·                     Door prizes

·                     Publicity

·                     Ticket Sales 

Grandparent’s Day

·                     Invitations

Decorating Committee

·                     Hostessing

·                     Photographer

Grant Committee

Research grant opportunities that would directly benefit our school and assist in preparing grant proposals.

Bringing Them Back...

The St. Rose of Lima Alumni Association has always played a vital part in securing the financial future of our school.We are in need of volunteers who will identify and communicate with St. Rose graduates from the past. The program is in place, but we need more help.

Updating addresses and phone numbers of graduates.

Gathering information for The Rosevine, our Alumni Newsletter.

Plan and host Alumni Reunions.

Research Alumni donors.

Welcoming new graduates into the Alumni Association. 

Construction of an entirely new section of our web site dedicated to Saint Rose of Lima School Alumni.

Please visit: 
Click here to navigate our new Alumni Web Gallery

Living Today In Faith...

Now is the time of renewal - renewal of our time, talents but also renewal of our Treasure. It also has been rightly said, that just as our forebears have been great builders, we now need to be great caretakers. The finances for running a parish today are incredible and can cause great worry. It takes money to provide facilities, and maintain a church and school, which gives us such joy and pride.

The Development office assists the Saint Rose of Lima Finance Committee in facilitating the Annual Parish Stewardship Program. We invite you to be a part of this team. Assist the parish and development staff in packaging and promoting this program. Our goal is for every member of our parish to participate in this vital project, so that St. Rose of Lima Church sustains itself long into the millennium.


St. Rose of Lima

Development Board Members

Lenny Marinello


Dorothy Alfredo

Robert Brooks

Jeannette Golding

John Hearn

Larry Hofmann

Jerome Hurtak

Allan Kelley

Tom Romanik

Nancy Sullivan 

Sr. Nancy Kindelan, IHM


Fr. Seamus Doyle


Debbie Rossiter

Development Administrator